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Meet Kelly

My rare disease journey has been long and more complicated than it should have been. It took 10 years after treatment for Cushing's Disease and so many people in the online community regularly telling me that I was sick as well as what to do to get help. It was so hard for me to understand and do what was required. I trusted my endocrinologist and gaslit myself. This resulted in the loss of everything that I worked for a second time. However, I had support and people who cared to help me find what I needed the second time. Getting proper treatment for my panhypopituitarism has been a challenge and I often have to rely on others. This is a constant reminder to me that we need our community and that our needs for treatment can change. Personally, knowing how hard it can be to get proper treatment and the challenges navigating getting help when untreated or undertreated, I have made it a priority to help others as I have been helped. I look forward to connecting with you and navigating this together.

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