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Samantha’s Story

On April 8th, we celebrate the birthday of Harvey Cushing, a pioneer in medicine who first identified Cushing's Disease. His groundbreaking work paved the way for me to overcome my own battle with this disease.

Follow along below from my journey of Cushings Disease to BLA.

After years of struggling with Cushing's Disease and undergoing brain (Pit) surgery in 2016 and then a reoccurrence in 2019. I made the courageous decision to have a bilateral adrenalectomy (BLA) in 2020. This life-changing procedure gave me a second chance at life, and I am forever grateful to my medical team and support groups for their unwavering dedication and care. While being dependent on cortisol every day to live can be scary, it's way better than Cushing's.

Don't let your diagnosis define you - take control and define your journey! Anything is possible when you believe in yourself and never give up hope. I went from barely being able to walk from my bed to the bathroom in 2015 to Wingwalking in 2022. Never give up on yourself. You're worth it.

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